Weighed Down With Negativity
You ever found yourself feeling down and depressed but you couldn't pinpoint why? It is easy to get caught up looking for scientific reasons or a deep explanation of everything bad that has happened to you. One common trigger for depression that is often overlooked is NEGATIVITY!! Several negative influences can have a strong impact on your overall mental state.
If you absorb all things negative, you will find that negative things begin to happen in your life. When a series of negative events take place, that can make anyone depressed. If you feel like you’ve taken too many losses in life or have constant drama evolving in your life, that too can cause you to be depressed.
It’s easy to become the person that everyone depends on and comes to for advice. If you have a friend, associate, or significant other who may be constantly bringing negativity into your mental space then protect your peace by placing boundaries with others. Sometimes you have to choose your peace of mind!
How to start placing those boundaries you ask? Communication is the key! Have those difficult conversations with the people in your life who may be unknowingly bringing negativity. These conversations are not meant to place blame but simply to set expectations within the relationship. For example, “Hey girl I’ve set aside this particular time for myself, is it okay if we talk later?” “Sorry babe I’m taking some mental health time to clear my head right now.” I’m not recommending that you become self absorbed nor neglect the people you care about. What I am recommending is that you simply take some time for yourself and add some positivity into your mental space. This is the time to do something you’ve been wanting to do but you have been putting it off. Set a goal for yourself, treat yourself, do things that make YOU happy! Surround yourself with people who will have a positive impact on your life!